I have a repository for my demos and experiments that I wanted to showcase on my website. I wanted to keep these separate from and agnostic of my site code. For this I needed a set of constraints that each demo follows, that are flexible enough to allow me to build them any way I want.
First rule: each demo should be a static website
This is a static site, built with 11ty and hosted on a CDN. I wanted my demos to be a directory that I can just copy as-is to my 11ty build output. The demos repository is an npm workspaces project with a build script in the root project, that just calls the build script of each subproject. The build step of each subproject can be anything, as long as the result is a directory in the root project's build folder with at least an index.html
in it.
Since all these projects are and will be web-related, this rule was easy to follow.
The repository is added as a git submodule to my main site repo and built separately before the 11ty build.
Second rule: each demo should be able to describe itself
I needed some metadata about each demo to be able to display them in a collection. For this I chose the Open Graph protocol. Open Graph tags are easy to parse and 11ty agnostic so they fit the bill perfectly. For scraping the metadata from the html content of each demo, I chose the open-graph-scraper-lite npm package.
Bringing it all together
Now all I needed was to make each demo reachable as a page on my site and to have them available as an 11ty collection, so I can render them into a list.
For the prior all I needed was a simple passthrough copy to copy the demos folder to the build output.
eleventyConfig.addPassthroughCopy({ 'demos/build': '/demos' });
To create a collection I needed to read all directories in the demos folder, scrape the Open Graph tags and add each item to the demos
const ogs = require('open-graph-scraper-lite');
eleventyConfig.addCollection('demos', async function () {
// read all directories
const demoDirs = (await fs.readdir('demos/build', { withFileTypes: true }))
.filter(dirent => dirent.isDirectory())
.map(({ name }) => name);
return Promise.all(demoDirs.map(async (name) => {
// get html content
const contents = await fs.readFile(
path.join('demos/build', name, 'index.html')
// scrape OG tags
const {
result: { ogTitle, ogDescription, articleTag }
} = await ogs({ html: contents.toString() });
return {
title: ogTitle,
description: ogDescription,
url: `/demos/${name}`,
tags: articleTag.split(';')
The last step was to create a page for showcasing the demos. Behold the shed.